food item swap
Guess what youre going out to eat. Theres so many things we use daily for eating our food that contain plastic that are easily replacable with climate friendly items.
On your way out of the house you grab your lunch which is inside clamshell plastic box. Oop. Stop right there. Go buy yourself a lunch box or a glass container. A. they last longer. B. they are better for the environment. C. Decoposes faster and is reusable. Its perfect and effiecent. Also do not forget to bring your metal utensils ;).

Now do not forget your water! Oh gosh we have come to one of the worst items of littering. Did you know that there are 8 million plastic bottles in the ocean each year? I knwo its sounds insane. We highly recommend to go buy yourself a metal or glass water bottle. It may be more expensive than a normal plastic bottle but it would be considered cheaper in the long run. Of course its much better for the environment as well.
Lets say in your new ;) water bottle you decided to add juice. You'd love to drink your juice with a straw. Well instead of going to your nearest Mcdonalds and taking a plastic straw buy one metal straw. The amount of animal deaths from straws are ridicullous! 1 million marine animals die from them each year. So next time take your own metal straw. Its better for everyone.